
NEA Mental Health Professionals Wellness Association is a monthly gathering of professional helpers to support personal and professional well-being.

  • Identify strategies to maintain balance and personal wellness
  • Highlight career-sustaining behaviors that support professional well-being
  • Receive peer support and guidance from seasoned professionals
  • Share professional resources
  • Identify keys to avoiding distress and/or impaired practice
  • Highlight the value of holistic wellness approaches in work with clients

Meetings will be held from 12:00-1:00 pm, the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Better Life Counseling Center located at 1601 James St. Jonesboro, AR 72401. BLCC’s office is located at entrance #9 at the back of the Southwest church. Attendees are invited to bring a brown bag lunch.

1 hour of continuing education credit is offered at each meeting.

2017 Dates: 
June 6, 2017
August 1, 2017
September 5, 2017
October 3, 2017
November 7, 2017
December 5, 2017